James Crump “Jimmy”, MRC ArtWorks

Racing with Pacman


The blue swirling sky background is reminiscent of “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh. A dark blue, almost black ghost is flying high on the left of the canvas. The large yellow Pacman is in the center of the canvas and chasing that ghost. There are 5 yellow dots along the top of the canvas. The red ghost on the top right of the canvas is hiding behind a large mountain that takes up space on the entire right-hand side. A red race car is being driven by a figure that looks like they are wearing a moon suit. The car also looks like it is going to crash into the second mountain in the foreground of the left of the canvas.

Artist Bio

Jimmy joined ArtWorks earlier this year and is a prolific painter of many original ideas. He also loves to draw self-portraits with elaborate costumes. This particular painting was a combination of three drawings.

Program Description

MRC artWorks – a program of MRC Industries, Inc. – is a professional working art studio and retail gallery located on the historic Kalamazoo Mall in the heart of downtown Kalamazoo. MRC artWorks offers unique and affordable art created by individuals with disabilities, providing an outlet to achieve creative self-expression in a way that promotes personal growth, dignity, and self-confidence. We strive to enrich the community with the diversity of art by promoting our artists’ work through a variety of venues and partnerships. All artists receive a 75% commission from the sale of their work, which not only serves as their source of income, but also enhances and reinforces their self-esteem and self-worth. MRC artWorks provides a safe, positive, and creative environment that focuses on the individual’s abilities rather than their disabilities.

MRC Industries serves individuals in Kalamazoo County with developmental or intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, emotional impairments, and mental illness to achieve their fullest potential through employment, skill building, and active community involvement.

Program Link
