Kenneth Rosenthal, Creative Expressions Program – Gesher Human Services

Detroit Lighthouse


Detroit Lighthouse is a photo of a lighthouse on the Detroit River. It was daytime when the photo was taken. The sky is green and smooth. It feels unusual, but not unfriendly. The surreal color is more enlightening than eerie. You feel like you can smell the fish in the water below, hear the kids playing in a nearby park, and feel the rumble of a foghorn from a passing freighter. If you could taste the sky in this photo, then it would probably taste like green apples.

Artist Bio

My name is Kenneth. When I was young, my mother was an art teacher and a painter. I developed an early interest in art and various media by watching her. I’ve dabbled in different art forms throughout my life, but nothing stuck until now. I began taking photos in March of 2020. My most recent work is a series of double-exposure photographs, some of which feature altered colors. I choose my photos randomly. That’s when the creative process begins. I wait for the images to talk to me then begin experimenting with color and composition, and eventually I crop the final result in a way that feels good.

Program Description

The Creative Expressions Program provides education, enrichment, cultural experiences, and professional arts opportunities for Gesher Human Services Artists, Writers, Performers, and Musicians. All of our programming takes place either at locations provided by our Community Partners or in-house at one of our Gesher Human Services buildings. Creative Expressions also has a virtual program online.

Our programming is not limited to just one art form. Thanks to our magnificent Community Partners, we are able to offer a broad range of activities in the visual arts (programs provided by The College for Creative Studies), literary and performing arts (programs provided by Matrix Theatre, Detroit Opera, and professionals in the field), music (programs provided by Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Drums on The Run), Music Therapy (programs provided by Creative Arts Therapies Inc.), as well as visual and expressive art therapy (programs provided by Let’s Art About It).

At Gesher Human Services, we believe in our Member Artists abilities. Creative Expressions works with them to develop programming that is challenging at times and therapeutic at others. We place no limits on what any one member can do, and we provide everyone with an environment that helps them grow creatively at their own pace as they move forward in their lives.

Program Link